Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hi pple

the bear clan has now joined blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cub 2 is in seward with her class and papa bear is still grumpy in the morring ( so what else is new) Mama bear is on a flower rampage just waiting to dig in the dirt. Me im a techy. ( that means im a theater tech) lights are my thing! nuthen else is new and its bad wet wether. in case u havent heard im not dating patrick any more. So im free free free at last thank God almity im free at last. school is almost out 17 days hear and i just cant wate till iv got no more poor little baby pigs to disect in bioligy(yuck!!!!!!!!!)

Comments on "Hi pple"


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (7:15 PM) : 

Marina, Marina, is that really you? It is so good to see you on the Blog! I was just thinkingthe other day that it would be great if all of my grand children had a "blog network" to keep up with one anothers activities. No old stuffy people, except me. I get to be the monitor to make sure no "creeps" try to sneak in. Brittany has her own site, she has made two postings in six months! Taylort has her own site, she made aposting last year! Donnie has a site, he made a posting twice in the past month! I can't blame Mama Bear for having the need to digf into Mother Earth - I have the same need to get out and start landscaping. We already have a dozewn tomato plants inthe house which are about two feet tall and two watermelon plants that have fruit growing on them and two avocado trees growing. I thought if I grew my own avocados, you mother could keep me supplied with that smashed up green stuff - she still makes the best I have ever eaten, the only probelm is that she never makes enough! Despite the blonde hair and blue eyes, I think she is one of those mescicans! I surely hope that I did not have anythig to do with yu breaking up with Patrick - wasn't he that tall gangly young man that I had a talk with at my birthday party last year. Just remember, if some of those dudes keep bugging you and you cna't get rid of them - I can put on a pretty good theactrical presentation of a mad grand pa! I remember disecting little baby pigs when I was in school, where is the animal rights people when you need one? But did you know, if you go to Safeway, you can buy a jar of pickled pigs feet, they are actually pretty good but expensive. When I was in biology and had no money for lunch, I discovered that you could eat those little pigs after you disect them and since they are pickled, they taste just like the ones that you buy at Safeway. I will make sure you have a jar of them to enjoy while you are camping this summer - maybe you will want to share them with Mama Bear and Blondie Bear because there are a lot of those little feet in a jar.


Blogger Heidi said ... (10:42 PM) : 

Hi Marina... I too remember dissecting animals in school. But I did not eat them like some....ewe… gross dad.

Mr Libal, my biology teacher, was sick one day and the sub had to teach us the in and outsides of sharks...soon every shark had accidentally jumped out of the window. They all landed safely in the bushes in front of Mr. Dempsey's (the principle) office window. Good Times...Good Times..


Blogger Shana said ... (8:33 PM) : 

oh I loved disecting...I felt jipped that we had to do rats...due to a shortage of pigs that year...the disecting part was not a problem one I pulled those long ugly teeth out and cut off the tail...but in college I got to disect people now that was sooo coooolll.


Blogger Da Bears said ... (8:03 PM) : 

Oh!!!! We had to dissect squids in Seward! It was soo nasty! Someone got squirted with ink in the other group I heard.... If you could get the ink pouch thing out right then you could pull the pen out and write with it! That was cool.... but the whole look at its guts thing was naaaasty!
P.S. ewww! Aunt Shana! You seriously dissected people! Gross!!!


Blogger Da Bears said ... (1:07 PM) : 

good to hear from yall-
cant whate for camping to start! i just got a job working at safway. and grandpa i do not eat pig anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cuting open deid people sounds cool though. Im going to a forensic science camp this summer befor my b-day. Did i mention im trning 16! im sooooooooooooo glad schools almost out i mad it through 1 year of high school now only 3 years to go.
love lots Marina


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (10:41 PM) : 

What kind of car is your father and motehr going to be buying for you on your 16th Birthday - June 21st right? What a ghood choice, to have a birthday party on the longest day of the year! I bet your mom and dad are planning a large "coming out" party - we caouldhgave it in the HITWRA. Great idea Marina!


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