Saturday, May 06, 2006

Welcome to the den

Welcome to the den. Hibernation season is almost over. Mamma bear and Brown bear returned from the winter camping grounds in Rome,and venice, Florance, and other Itialian places. Blond bear and I camped at our vacation villa in the caribou hills, with the Moose clan. A good time was had by all i'm sure. We look forward to seeing everyone at the gathering of th clans, at the hole in the wall in a few weeks. This year the dogs may outnumber the kids.--DaBears

Comments on "Welcome to the den"


Blogger A. Bednarz said ... (8:27 AM) : 

Hey, nice blog!


Blogger Shana said ... (1:00 PM) : 

WOW cool snow cats...what a fun way to spend the day...Hey nainer...I miss you...did not hear from you on my birthday this you know it is the first one you have missed in 10 years!!!!!


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (6:59 PM) : 

Great picture, should have made the front page of the Homer Gazette, but that would have probably generated letters to the editor fromthe PETA folks! Really glad to see you join the net work, I just have to ask - who set the blog up? Heidi set mine up and I love it, but then all of sudden the picture opf Dutch and I turned into a skunk! Now that you are blogging, the two copies of the last "official" Clan Proclamations are posted on my site but I also have hard copies for you. As you can see from everyone's blog, a lot of discussion onthe "Hole in the Wall" and making plans. Right now, it is one man staff but I get to be in charge so I love it! The remainder of the group will be coming in early this year. Need several things fromthe Bear Clan. (1) Snow Machine trailor when we get ready to move the multi-purpose building" and a big work party of very strong men or two women (2) at least four, but six, would be great but even eight would work great of those metyal things that you screw into the ground when you are installing a guy wire on those "telephone" logs. I can't seem to find them at Home Depot, I thought you might know of another source for them. I also need someone who is qualified to screw them into the ground. They are for the canopy, no more blowing over this year, no more guy ropes with logs hanging on the ends for weight. I am sure, the to do list will grow rapidly when we get all the wormen together - they always seem to find projects that should be done! Women like things complicated, not like Homer who can have a great time with a can of beer and a smoldering fire even if it is raining or the Plumma who is perfectly happy with a can of beer and someone to talk to! It is great to have someone else to pick at - I saw a hint of Dana in some of the writings but nothing signed off as Mama Bear - and to wjoever set upo the blog sitre, thank you for not installing "word verification"


Blogger Heidi said ... (10:33 PM) : 

Oh .... We have sucked you into our matrix. I am soooo glad you joined us. This will be so much fun!!


Blogger Shana said ... (11:49 PM) : 

I do believe us in Anchorage are leaving our dogs home...mine is too old and drives me nuts...and Heidi's would end up Eagle Bait if we did not roast them by accident....and Barley...well he needs a trailor to haul his butt anywhere


Blogger john r mclay said ... (7:45 AM) : 

Welcome to the dome of peer pressure, ridicule, and having to endurelong, prattling comments that could have been summed up in less words, like, "Great pic! I cannot blog without help. My butt has boils. Bring ALL your good equipment to camp so we can break it. I cannot read word verification with my lack of intelligence and patience."
And, I apologize for more than 5 lines to endure. Any more is just prattle.


Blogger Da Bears said ... (1:22 PM) : 

well thats for talken to us!
i set up the blog after much beging and pleading when blondy was away.( brit u ment "blog" right) cant what to see u all
love lots


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