Friday, February 22, 2008

Love the Bloggers

Boy I'm impressed with the ammount of attention my Blog post got after almost a year with no posts.Thanks for sharing your comments. I read hyper-boobs review of "Call us Champions" sounds like our opions were very similar.
I think Lance Mackey would save money and miles on his new truck, if he just mushed on down to Anch. and then on to Nome. I don't think his dogs would care.
Oh one more thing, I sure hope Osama saw us blow that "school bus sized" sattilite out of the sky, from his cave. I hope he knows we have another missle like that, just for him. Prety damn accurate to. God Bless the USA.

Comments on "Love the Bloggers"


Blogger john r mclay said ... (10:36 AM) : 

"Our" missiles ARE pretty damned accurate! We've had practice, though.
The only thing the military forgot to try while looking for Osama was yelling "OPEN SESAME!" at mountain walls - like Ali Baba and his 40 thieves' hide out. We didn't try EVERYTHING, did we?


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (10:48 AM) : 

We still have time, the Sheriff will be in town until January 2009. After that, if Barack Hussein Obama gets elected, the CIA should be able to nab him when he is invited to the Whitehouse for lunch. It is surprising how fast the word is spread throughout Blog Land when someone returns after being absent for a year. I even check Blonde Baers site, expect to see her pop up! Mackey is a great dog runner and winning four straight is awesome, however, your oldest sister and I have a bet on the Iditirod, I am betting that he will not win! Want to cover some of theat $1.00 we have on the race? Of course, she is giving me 100 / 1 odds!


Blogger Da Bears said ... (3:18 PM) : 

iditirod is like betting on NFL. Last year he caught the "clean coats" unprepared and overconfident. This year they'll be watchin a little closer what Lance is doing.


Blogger john r mclay said ... (4:42 PM) : 

I agree with Shane, they will watching Lance this year!

We are a dedicated group of bloggers, I check on you monthly, but if you keep writing I will move you to the weekly read... aren't you lucky!

(john is uploading to blogger and he won't sign off, must be a great post coming from whoofarted)


Blogger Shana said ... (8:14 AM) : 

Whether Lance wins or not...he has three very prominent titles...and I am not sure too many musher's could accomplish what he has...


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