Thursday, March 27, 2008

Is it spring yet?


Thats the price of un-leaded gas at Down East yesterday. You can still buy a five gallon Jug of gas for lesas than 20 bucks, but not Diesal, $4.20.9 at the same station. SICK!!

Took my Buddy from the Coho campground, and his sister, for a ride yesterday. His sister (who works on a cruise ship in the Bahamas) is on her first trip to Alaska and had not riden a snow-go since her youth 20+ years ago. Well, the weather was GREAT! and she got some good pics to take home and show her friends who have never seen snow. She was dressed like one of those weeble-wobbles for fear of getting cold, but most of that gear was in her backpack in the first five miles.

Comments on "Is it spring yet?"


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (9:05 PM) : 

Hey, you found the internet! I always picture you sneaking around in your yard with your computer looking for the Internet like it shows on the tv commercials. Did you get any free tickets for a Carribbean Cruise? Had would be an even trae, snow machine wide in the wilderness of Alaska for a Carribbean cruise. Spring is spruning, don't know about yu house but at my house, we are having April showers!


Blogger Heidi said ... (6:57 AM) : 

Gas is still under $3.50 here... I am wonder who you Buddy is, who lives in the Coho this time of year?


Blogger Shana said ... (2:10 PM) : 

sounds like a great time...hope it was enjoyed by all...


Blogger john r mclay said ... (4:41 PM) : 

You must be getting a lot of time on your machine. When will you post again? Huh?


Blogger Heidi said ... (9:17 PM) : 

Hey it's spring... are you at $4 a gallon yet?


Blogger Heidi said ... (8:21 PM) : 

We just hit $3.75 a gallon!


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